Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Tragedy of Liberty

People call me a kite. I take great pleasure to fly high up in the sky. It is indeed gratifying to state that I emblematise liberty, yes, genuine liberty, no doubt. However, it is also to be noted that the spindle remains in someone's hand. That is to say, my liberty is under control. I know how much it pains me. Hence, I never wish anyone to be like me. My utmost agony has to linger suppressed inside the sweet coating of a lifeless smile. I am never allowed even to burst into tears.

Although I provide measureless mirth to the human beings, it must be admitted that I have to make the waste basket my final destination. Yes, human beings are cruel, too cruel, even much more than the beasts, in some way or the other.

I can still visualise the moments I had with the kids, with their parents and with their friends.

Important to note, their friends are not so always. It may be the order of the day, but I can emphatically utter that I was, I am and I will be their true friend eternally. However, the tragedy is that mankind fail to understand the true value of a piece of diamond rather than that of a shard of glass.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Doll’s Pathetic Words


Although I provide so much mirth and excitement to the children, I, after a certain point of time, am thrown away. That attachment remains no more between the kid and me. It feels painful. It feels pathetic indeed. I, too, shed so many teardrops, but, unfortunately, those drops of tears from my eyes are invisible. Once the child grows up, I remain neglected. There is no need of my time and company anymore. I have to stay ensnared in the sooty corners of a room. How ungrateful the human beings are! How can I forget the time and the memories I shared with the infant? They call me ‘a doll’ that has no life at all. The parents sometimes utter to their children, “Why do you waste your time so stupidly with your dolls?” I laugh silently; yes, I do, thinking how the world has become day after day. I light up the lives of the children with such happiness and sacrifice. As and when a kid gets me in its hand, its face is lit up with joy and friendship. I can hear those smiles; I can sense that cheerfulness always, even after I get thrown into the trash.

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Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Choicest Words from Chocolate

I take much pride in my utility. People purchase me as gifts to be given to their special ones. I am a witness of various moments and of various memories. Well, I feel like I am mostly loved by the children. I can be of variegated kinds, like 'dark chocolate', 'milk chocolate', 'white chocolate' and so on and so forth. I give birth to chocolate bars full of love and fantasy. Bakers seek my help to complete their cakes in a number of ways. When a birthday boy or a birthday girl cuts a cake that is made with my flavour, I never feel hurt because of that; I feel so lucky and glad instead. People melt me; they temper me; they use my essence to glaze a number of dessert items, like mousse, pudding, eclairs, pastries and many more. Truly, all these bring teardrops in my eyes, because I feel so mirthful to know that I am the reason for the others' smile, for their celebration, for their get-together, for their happy moments and for their merry life. My cup of joy overflows to know that I can be a part of almost all the best moments in each life. I add more cheer, I add more colour to the joyous days, the memories of which are saved in an album. What is most conspicuous to me is that I open the ceremony that is concluded in an album. Maybe, I sound a bit boastful, but who can deny that I hold the loveliest moments of a life?

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Friday, February 23, 2024

Candid Confessions of a Guitar


People like listening to my melody. When one strums on me, I feel so lucky indeed, because then I get identified with Nature and with human beings. Right then, I feel as if I am used to bridge up the gap between them. I never imagined as well that I can be the source of everybody’s entertainment, mirth and lingering happiness. They say that music is the one and only companion never shunning anyone. Do you know what the most important side in this regard is? It is the fact that I can be a part of it. I can be of manifold kinds like bass guitar, lead guitar and so on and so forth. Still, no one can deny that all of my kinds are used for the same purpose, that is, music. Moreover, I feel too glad, for sure, as and when I recall that I am one of the reasons of the birth of a number of musical artists. People utilise me for therapy also. Well, I must admit that when my strings are touched with a plectrum, I feel as if it is magic, pure and sweet magic, for certain. Then, I find myself worthy enough to live as an entity in this universe. However, while learning how to play on me, the novices, most of the time, get prone to scar their fingers; still, they take utmost delight in this regard thinking that a few scars can be endured for the sake of learning music and spreading the message everywhere.


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Thursday, February 22, 2024

A Few Words from the Rainbow

I add divine hues to the sky. People look at me in amazement. Sometimes, I can overhear them saying, "How colourful and how beautiful the rainbow is!" Yes, I will never deny that their words do make me feel a bit proud of myself. Wait! That's not the end at all. I may feel proud, but that's momentary indeed. The act of entertaining people is my be-all-and-end-all. I probably sound to justify myself, right? Well, I feel as if I'm a part of heaven as and when the little children feel regaled at my sight. Their mirth and their astonishment fill me up with joy. My cup of gladness does overflow. They say as if they find a friend in me. It is very gratifying when I find out that I can be the reason for their merriment and their smile. People say that I have seven colours that are actually abbreviated with the acronym of 'VIBGYOR'. What does this acronym mean? Let me answer, "Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red". As and when you look at me, I can ascertain that you shall find that I am a natural painting untouched by any human hand. According to science, I'm an example of the dispersion of light. The droplets of rain are the secret of my timeless beauty.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

In a Thoughtful Trance of the Childhood Days

The days of our childhood, better known as the golden days of our lives, constitute the preparatory stage of our future. These juvenile days are full of innocence, purity, honesty, simplicity, and so on and so forth. These days hold our golden memories of harmless laughter, impeccable and boundless happiness, invincible spirit that can achieve anything on this planet, minds full of dreams, indomitable will force, vivacious life force et cetera. Broadly speaking, this golden period shapes and moulds our character, our habits, our mentality, our way of speaking, our attitude, our behaviour, our way of thinking, our way of looking at life, our mannerism, our within and our everything. Actually, our learning process commences its journey from this phase in our life.

Therefore, we should not shirk the learning process at all. However, it must be noted that we learn and learn throughout our entire life; still, we must never overlook the fact that our urge, our passion, our choice and our enthusiasm for learning begin to expand the corollas fundamentally at this stage of life. Well, our juvenile days enhance our learning telling us that we should never feel weary of learning more and more. In other words, the more hunger we garner for learning, the more can we gain, for sure. What we sow today, will we reap tomorrow. So, we all have to make sure that we can make ample use of every single moment. In short, what is required most is our optimum utilisation of time.

In this regard, it is also discernible that sometimes we get too serious. Again, sometimes, we get too light-hearted to use the golden days properly. As and when we get too serious, it can doubtlessly be said that we get our days slipped out from our hands in some way or the other. That is to say, we lose the opportunity of cherishing the days of our childhood due to overt gravity.

Life is too short indeed. Hence, the mentioned time—the days of our childhood—is even shorter, far shorter in comparison. Running, swimming, playing, enjoying the moments of each season et cetera are, perchance, a few examples of the customary activities of our childhood.

Well, frankly speaking, all these activities as if speak to me face to face and question me, “Have you ever enjoyed basking in the sun in the wintry atmosphere? Then the sunshine feels so warm, so soothing and so sweet, for sure. It is then the exact time to go for a picnic with utmost excitement. Can you remember those days when everything was so vibrant? Can you recall making a feast with all your loved ones, enjoying the scenery in the lap of nature, singing by the river, and thus having an amazing time? Have you ever listened mindfully to the sweet melody of a cuckoo when it is spring? Does the mild vernal wind not move you even now? Have you ever felt the soft touch of the drizzle? Have you ever tried to look at the twilight sun that is as if eternally enchanting? The streaks of purple glow adorn the entire western horizon; the busy birds returning to their nests as if twitter and sing for the last time on that day; the murky canopy as if descends like the falling curtain at the end of a show. Then it is time for the moon to come up and shine like a spotlight on the still river. The silvery atmosphere embalms the entire hemisphere with a touch of magic. Yes, that swiftly transitory scenery leaves a permanent impression on your heart. They reverberate in our memory, don’t they? We sometimes get an opportunity to make a trip down our memory lane.”

No doubt, such measureless merriment gives birth to a plethora of literary pieces, a plenty of creative impulses. We should never let such moments pass by, because they are more precious than gold, if once gone, gone forever.

However, on the other hand, as and when we act too light-hearted, we are as if destined to waste our preparatory stage of life. Yes, it feels like we become idle, too much idle indeed: all play and no work makes Jack an idle boy.

In this connection, we must not falter to make a candid confession that we waste our time doing nothing, but when the moment is gone forever, we pine our days away thinking of our bereavement. Unfortunately, such mourning leads to greater losses of ours. We all know, we all do know that time flies so fast that we cannot even realize that. Hence, it is indeed mandatory forever that we should cultivate our sense of understanding, we should regard the power of punctuality, and we must endeavour to worship tenacity, patience, determination, confidence, stoicism, truthfulness, fortitude, temperance and so on and so forth.

Apart from all these that have been spoken about previously, what is mostly needed during our juvenile days is nothing other than the habit of bringing up our originality. Yes, we may say that we all copy from one another in this way or the other; but it that the end of all? How can that be the be-all-and-end-all? Broadly speaking, we do, we all do imitate others, but the point is that we have to shape that imitation anew like the shape of water. I heard it somewhere—though I fail to recall right now what it was exactly written—that the bees are the masters of renovation, reinvention, remodelling, reorganisation, reshaping and recreating. How can it be so? Well, they collect nectar from various flowers but who can deny that honey is purely new, regardless of being a fusion of a handful of imitations?

Finally, it is to be mentioned that a child—the future father or the future mother—must be edified in a number of domains, but the little one should be given freedom in a few circumstances so that he / she can expand his / her realm of imagination, his / her natural knowledge, his / her presence of mind, his / her curiosity, his / her originality—the so-called ‘imitation’—and his / her way of expressing his / her opinions.

Let them each have a voice; let them each have a story; let them each learn by heart how to work hand in hand with others; let them each feel compassionate to one another and also to the other creatures; let them each be full of virtue; let them each have morality; let them each become a true and pure human being; let them each know how to make this world a better place for living; let them each figure out how to protect the earth that he / she inherited from his / her ancestors and how to hand it over to his / her progeny; and let them each spread the message of love—true, pure, honest, modest and tolerant philanthropy—everywhere.

“O my God! Where am I now? Was it a spell that I had fallen in?” Seriously, it must be admitted that the contemporary society is so mismatching to what I had just been in a trance of. Wait a second! That was never a dream; neither is it found in the society nowadays altogether. So, what was it actually? Well, I never know the name, but I can sense that I had them somewhere in between a trance of the flashback and an irony of almost everything found at present and also in a flash-forward. Childhood is undoubtedly as expensive and as priceless as time. We should pledge right now that what is lost is lost forever, but we can do is to live every moment without pining for what has already been lost. However, there is no denying as well that we, sometimes, do need to relive our happy days, because that can lead us to greater happiness. Hence, what comes, as we are about to sum up our discussion, is that we ourselves have to figure out where to draw the line between the two points, no matter what it is, because there is nothing without contrast. Yes, it depends on us mostly; however, it is still to be kept in mind that there is also a requirement for edification. As we grow up gradually, we must learn how to make good and right decisions. Moreover, the fact is that teaching makes you improve a lot, but self-teaching helps you improve more than that. Be positive, live creative, work innovative, think imaginative, and inspire others. You are unique on your own. Let your sound success story change the lives of the others by touching them with grace, not grimace. Share your happiness; let it get multiplied a million times. Childhood, the golden age of ours, slips away swiftly, but as we cannot hold it, and as we cannot arrest it, we must make sure to use the priceless gem to the utmost. Live life, especially the juvenile days, to the fullest; drink even the dregs; never let that get wasted at all.

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Friday, November 3, 2023

Sensible Words from a Smartphone


Being a smartphone, I am very much attractive. I look great; I sound nice; I respond quickly; I display lots of moments of all sorts of emotions; I am ready to solve a number of problems faced by mankind in the twinkling of an eye; and I function as the buffer between the speaker and the addressee though they may be at a great distance: no matter how far they live, with my smart magic, they can even see each other using live video calls. I do connect people in this way; hence, I do pride myself on my utilisation and my value. I give them the privilege to use social media; I provide them with lots of opportunities to carry on online transaction. I help people speak in conference calls. That is to say, I have dedicated myself entirely to the advancement and to the benefit for all of them. However, I must say that people use me in wrong or unfair purposes as well. Is that my fault? They say that I am solely responsible for the accidents, for the shortcomings of the shirking students and so on and so forth. Though I am indispensable always, I never do intend to harm anybody at all. It is not I who am guilty; it is rather the lack of human discretion that tries to put the blame upon me. All that I can say is that every human being must use me judiciously.

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The Tragedy of Liberty

People call me a kite. I take great pleasure to fly high up in the sky. It is indeed gratifying to state that I emblematise liberty, yes, ge...