Showing posts with label pandemic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pandemic. Show all posts

Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Aftermath of the Pandemic

The Aftermath of the Pandemic

Is the pandemic COVID-19 a bane in all respects or a boon in disguise? The entire scenario of the globe underwent a process of transition triggered by the pandemic. What is more important to note is that the procedure of change occurred within merely a few months. Now the question is whether it is an entirely negative or a positive turnaround. Broadly speaking, there has been a permanent shift in consumer-and-business behaviour, given the effects of the disease. Yes, there has been a great turning point to the financial and business sectors.


At the outset, that is, when the pandemic outbreak first came to light, there was a great plummet in finance not only of an individual but also of an organization. Hard times began to hover all around the world. Anyway, thanks to the technology industries, life did not stand stagnant. Life never ends as if it goes on forever. People began relying upon technology even more, much more than before. That is to say, previously, before the outbreak of COVID-19, many of us, or should we say, most of us went to the groceries and other shops for purchasing everyday commodities. Due to the pandemic, we came to cognize technology industries anew. We began to receive everything at our doorstep. No more waste of time, no more pains in jostling to get the commodities from the retailers. Whatever we order online, we are supplied at the threshold.


Giving up the old, age-old, and stereotypical practices and behaviour, we have learnt how to become smarter, how to make the most outcome in the wink of an eye. Nowadays, even in the post-vaccine era, if I ask you to shop something, whatever it is, will you not simply say, “Wait, let me place an order online for you?” There are a plethora of things to be spoken of. Since the technology industries are thriving more and more, their stocks or shares also become a source of income for all and sundry. Yes, for sure, there has been a shift in the attitude of consumers and businessmen, and the shift is permanent.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

COVID-19: A Deep Realisation

COVID-19: A Deep Realisation

Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19, caused by a new breed of coronavirus, is an infectious disease. Such a fatal virus has preyed upon the lives of all of us. Many of our near ones, many of our dear ones, what is more, many of our fellow citizens of the world have bidden us farewell forever due to this horrid disease cause by the horrible Coronavirus.

A virus is a microscopic creature; a parasite would be a better term to define it. How is it that we, the human beings, the so-called greatest beings on this earth, have to get scared of the microscopic virus? What does it mean?

Yes, it is proven from this very fact that we cannot belittle anybody or anything. Nobody can say that the most neglected and the most inferior will not become the scariest and the most superior, for sure. If we think in the opposite direction, we will be better in understanding. That is to say, the most neglected of today will become the most respected tomorrow. We belittle others; we demean the little ones as ‘kidos’. We overlook the fact that every little one, every ‘kido’ has a momentum within. This is very much evident from the microscopic Coronavirus. We need to wear masks always and use soaps and sanitisers from time to time.

As a result, lockdown has been introduced worldwide. The global financial status is on the verge of a question mark. It is very evident that we have lost our progress and our prosperity.

Remember, personal pride will lead to personal fall; family pride will lead to domestic fall; mass pride will lead to mass fall.

Now the time has arrived as and when we should no longer stay idle but rectify our faults, but expiate our sins, but beg apology and love mankind.

Such a disease caused by such a virus has caused not only financial plummet, but also massive economic and educational hindrances.

One heart, one head and one hand together can save the world from every ill. Let's save our world! Let's all maintain both physical and psychical hygiene to usher in a new era of hope and love.

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