Showing posts with label environmental pollution and its impact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environmental pollution and its impact. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Is Sustainable Development Welcomed Properly?


Is Sustainable Development Welcomed Properly?


Now-a-days, all over the world, it has become a conscious concern to combat climate change and global warming by inviting sustainable development. Although it has raised a hue and cry all over the globe, many steps are yet to be taken for better existence of the human beings on this earth. Regarding this notion, many citations are there. One of them may be quoted below.


The Unilever Company, in November, 2015, announced, “We will become carbon positive in our operations by 2030. This means we will source 100% of the energy used within our operations from renewable sources by 2030, and generate more renewable energy than we consume. We are also working to lower our greenhouse gas (GHG) impact from sourcing, manufacturing and innovation, as well as deepening our efforts to eliminate deforestation from our supply chains.” They added, “In 2016, our factory sites reduced CO2 emissions from energy by 43% per tonne of production compared to 2008, achieving our target four years ahead of schedule. However, the GHG impact of our products has risen by 8% since 2010.2 Underlying sales growth over the same period was 30%, so it is encouraging to see that we are indeed decoupling our value chain GHG impacts from our business growth. The increase in GHG emissions per consumer use is mainly driven by our Personal Care business which has expanded in hair and shower products via acquisitions, in particular Alberto Culver. Over 60% of our value chain GHG footprint comes from consumer use, primarily from heated water for showering, which is more difficult to influence.”


It must be kept in mind that the phenomenon of climate change is a crucial and serious challenge to the world. From the pre-industrial levels, greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations have increased more and more as a consequence of human acts. As a result to this, global warming is obvious in the present days from the surveillance of increase in global average air. Ocean temperatures, pervasive melting of snow and ice in the Polar Regions and the rise of the sea levels all over the world have become and posed to be serious problems in human life and they are getting even more harmful day by day. As a result to the rise of the level of the marine water due to the melting of ice and snow in the Polar Regions, many low lands are about to get submerged.


Apart from that, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has propounded that basically nothing but the greenhouse gases and their emissions are the causes of climate change and global warming. Day by day, its consequents will deteriorate over time, and this will happen due to the absence of regulatory action. Actually, the vulnerability of the future generations will bring in a kind of catastrophic disaster.


Stephen Pacala, an ecologist, and Robert Socolow, a physicist, both belong to the Princeton University. They have come up with a few measures for controlling pollution, climate change and global warming. They are, namely, eliminating the use of fossil fuels like burning coal, oil and natural gas, upgrading infrastructure since all over the world, nothing but buildings contribute in emitting one third of the natural gas, innovating the new ways to use transportation, less consuming, citizens becoming more efficient, eating vegetarian, planting saplings and stopping deforestation, unplugging the electrical goods when they are off, inviting the system of having one child, replacing the fuels coming from the fossils, and so on and so forth.


Moreover, farming livestock like cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and chickens gives off about six billion tonnes of greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, Nitrous oxide, Trichlorofluromethane, Carbon tetrachloride, Fluoroform, Methane and so on and so forth each and every year. The estimates may vary. However, this epitomizes up to eighteen percent of the global emissions of polluting greenhouse gases.


Climate change and global warming due to the effects of the greenhouse gases are perhaps the most visible and most researched challenge of the global environment. In the eco-system, every creature is linked with the other, because it is like a chain; it is rather a pyramid. If one living creature is neglected, the entire pyramid will collapse to the utmost. Every creature is dependent upon the others. So there is no question of independence.


Unfortunately, human technology and population growth have changed the web of ecosystem. Wherever people like to go, they will definitely find dangers in human food, water and air. However, the target of a globe in natural equilibrium is long past pract8ical and people are now in the grip of the era of sustainable practices. People have and require comprehending the natural systems much better. They should learn cautiously how they can probe into the matter of keeping them as it was and productive.


Is there any light of hope? Do people will have to grope in the utmost and fierce darkness forever? The answers lie in the proper learning and correct understanding of the matter of sustainable development by the people. It ought to be done by the people and for the people. Unless men work hand in hand always to curb this grim advent of human tragedy, no one can ever be able at all to solve this challenge. For this men need to bid farewell to all the non-renewable energy resources and usher in a new era of hope when there will be renewable energy to be used as much as the human beings desire. However, it is not just a word to say. That is to say, it should be executed; human plans and strategies must be implemented with immediacy, since the present attitude of man will determine the future destiny. The planet is for everyone. So, without any discrepancy, it must be, rather it ought to be loved by all; it has to be taken care of, and what is more, it should be nurtured with intense love and care just as it forever more has taken care of mankind.

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