Showing posts with label Somali Mukherjee essays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Somali Mukherjee essays. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Green logistics, a solution to atmospheric pollution

Green logistics, a solution to atmospheric pollution


The entire ecosystem is dependent upon its components. The components are dependent upon each other since it is like a chain or like a pyramid that reigns all over and all through the ecosystem. However, mankind and their various kinds of inventions including the transportations have caused much harm to the environment. Now the point is that if one of the components is damaged, the whole system or the entire pattern will be at stake. The hazards of living will prompt into the ears of all the human beings that it is better to die than to live in this polluted and exceptionally unlivable environment. But why? It is so perhaps because man defiled the atmosphere himself for his own sake. Broadly speaking, this has indirectly caused serious harms to him.

The issues of climate change and global warming due to the excessive emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have posed to be a crucial problem all over the world for the last twenty years to the utmost. These ill effects in the atmosphere are especially caused by the smoke and gases given off by the transports. It is, however, true and genuine that even if a couple of degrees are raised in temperature, human beings will be seriously harmed and be in critical hazard. This has been propounded by the Inter-government Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Reinman, 2012).

Transport is the hugest source of atmospheric pollution in the logistics system. Man uses fossil fuels in these various kinds of transport and resulting in it causes massive increase of the emissions of carbon dioxide. The European Commission (2011) opines that transportation on road report for forty seven percent of transportation of goods in totaling in the European Union. Moreover, it is considered that between the years of 2000 and 2020, world cargo transport will increase about fifty percent, as per the knowledge of European Commission, 2006.

The European Union ought to curtail its greenhouse gas release by forty percent by the year of 2030. Even though a great deal of policies is being planned in the days of today, it is still vague how they can be implemented in order to reach the goal.

Fortunately enough, a number of companies are switching to sustainable or green logistics. However, a number of practices concerning the reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions have been adopted by many companies. Instances are, namely, Horizontal Collaboration, Green Logistics, Sustainable Practices, and Consolidation Centre and so on and so forth.

The couple of words in the phrase ‘green logistics’ are charged with meaning; the phrase is particularly suggestive. It is noteworthy that at the heart or at the core of the modern transport system, the term ‘logistics’ can be found. What does it imply? It refers to a degree organization and controlling the cargo movements. The modern technology has brought it into reality. In the domain of the industry of the transportation, green logistics have become one of the most significant developments. For a great many concerns regarding the environment, ‘green’ and ‘greenness’ have become sounding to be a couple of key words. Generally, they are considered to be positive. It suggests congeniality with the natural environment, and in this way, the term ‘logistics’ sounds to be advantageous. When these two words are placed side by side, they imply a competent transport and distribution system that is friendly to the ecosystem.

It is known that in the late 1980s and at the onset of the 1990s, the term ‘greenness’ became a key word in the transport trade. Moreover, it stretched its hands out of the increasing consciousness of environmental problems. Particularly, the most enlightened issue such as acid rain, Chloro Fluro Carbons (CFCs), climate change and global warming. The World Commission on Environment and Development Report published in 1987 gave green important urge in the political as well as in the economic domains that sustainability and green logistics should be treated as an important issue and that they ought to be the targets for international action. It is revealed from a study that in the United Kingdom, around eighteen percent of the greenhouse gases are given off because of road transport (Hill et al., 2012).

The European Union supported CO3, that is, Collaborative Concepts for Co-Modality, scheme for the goal of increasing the competence of European logistics with the help of horizontal collaboration between European shippers. Apart from this, a great deal of repetitive test cases will be created.

The notion of green logistics encapsulates and covers the areas of green transportation, green storage and safekeeping, loading and unloading green system, green packaging, green distribution processing, gathering or collection, and green information management.

The expression green package can also be named and called to be ‘ecological package’ or ‘environment friendly package’. It is entirely made by natural plants; it can have propensity to degradation and endorsing sustainable development. In short, the notion of green packaging is the perfect packaging that can be used again and again or can be reused and recycled. It does never cause contamination in human beings and also not in the environment during the product life cycle (Gunjal et al., 2015).

The day has arrived when all the people are supposed to go green, live green and love green. Trees or the greenery are the most essential parts of the ecosystem. If they are neglected, the entire system will tumble down one very day. That is why, all men, all women and all the children ought to know and must be made aware of the beneficence of trees and greens and green logistics. Only then by implementing the plans rather than just programming would be capable enough to come to the aid of mankind. If not, man himself will be ruined as one day may come like that. Therefore, it is always better and wiser to invite the green logistics not only to go green but even to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from all kinds of transportation. 

Political theory – the mold of international relations

Political theory – the mold of international relations

Political theory plays an integral role in shaping the study and practice of politics and international relations. It is about different ways with the help of which the nature and character of international politics can be interpreted, understood and assessed.

International relations are sometimes referred to as international studies, but the two states of affairs are not perfectly synonymous. This is actually the amend of relationships bordered by countries, including the role of states, inter-governmental institutions (IGOs), international non-governmental institutions (INGOs), non-governmental institutions (NGOs) and multinational corporations (MNCs).

It covers the areas of both academic and public policy. It is sometimes positive and sometimes normative, seeking to scrutinize and to devise the foreign policy of meticulous states. Every now and then, it is measured as a branch of political science. However, an important segment of academia prefers to look upon it as an interdisciplinary domain of revise. The features of international relations have been studies for years after years, since the period of Thucydides. However, it became a secluded and definable discipline on the onset of the twentieth century.

International relations, separately from the study of political science, draw upon a number of diversified meadows like technology, engineering, economics, history, international law, philosophy, geography, social work, sociology, anthropology, criminology, psychology, gender studies, and cultural studies. Apart from that, it engrosses a varied range of issues like globalization, state sovereignty, international security, ecological sustainability, nuclear proliferation, nationalism, economic growth, global fund, terrorism, organized crime, human security, foreign interventionism, and human rights. However, the diverse issues are merely limited to the mentioned items.

If the history of international relations is delved deeper, the origin can be traced back to thousands of years. For example, Barry Buzan and Richard Little trust that the interaction of old Sumerian municipality-states, commenced in 3,500 BC. It was the first fully fledged international system.

Its history is founded upon the sovereign states. The history can often be found back to the Peace of Westphalia of 1648. It was a milestone in the development of the contemporary state system. Before that, the medieval system of political power in Europe was based on a vague hierarchy and religious order. However, Westphalia still represented layered systems of sovereignty. This happened especially within the Holy Roman Empire. The Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 is a notion that reflects an emerging parameter that sovereigns had no internal equals within a definite area and there were no external superiors as well that could stand as the ultimate power within the sovereign borders of the region. This was effective more than the Peace of Westphalia.

The theory of international relations has a widespread custom of drawing on the work of the social sciences of the other kinds. In the expression “International Relations”, “I” and “R” are capitalized for distinguishing the academic discipline of International Relations from the phenomena of the same. Whatever it is, manifold works can be cited from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War (sixth century BC), Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War (fifth century BC), Chanakya’s Arthashastra (fourth century BC) and so on and so forth. Apart from these, Hobbes’ Leviathan and Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince provide more elaboration.

Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679) was a contemporary of Grotius and, like the latter, he answered the concerns found and faced during his time and at his place. On the one hand, Grotius used to think that a state without any political authority would still be governed by natural law. On the other hand, Hobbes held that there is no natural law in which such moral value or fundamental human commonality is engraved. This sounds that both of the thinkers were in stark contrast.

Similarly, the works of Kant and Rousseau are drawn upon by liberalism. The former’s work is pretty often quoted as the first elaboration of democratic peace theory. Moreover, Francisco de Vitoria, Hugo Grotius and John Locke gave the initial accounts of global entitlement and this was meant for ensuring rights on the basis of usual humanity. In the modern era, Marxism has been groundwork of international relations.

The theories of international relations can be divided into two categories, namely, “positivist” and “post-positivist”. The former aims at repeating the ways of the natural sciences in the method of analyzing the influence of material forces, while the latter concentrates upon constitutive questions, for instance, the meaning and implication of ‘power’, what creates it and how it is implanted. The post-positivism is also known as Reflectivity Theory.

Whatever the theory be, ‘sustainable growth’ matters most. However, the quoted term raises a number of criticisms at different stages and dissimilar phases. John Baden writes, “In economy like in ecology, the interdependence rule applies….Several suggestions to save our environment and to promotes model of ‘sustainable growth’ risk indeed leading to reversal effects.”

Some critics say that the term is indeed too vague. For example, both Jean-Marc Jancovici and the philosopher Luc Ferry articulate the same inspection. Of course, the term is more charming than meaningful.

Sylvie Brunel, a French geographer and specialist of the third world, raises the question of the person who benefits from ‘sustainable growth’. Apart from that, she opines that the central ideas of this phenomenon are concealed form protectionism through urbanized nations hindering the growth of other countries.

The aim is not that one nation should trample the other, but it is of universal growth in order to make a world state. Everybody should come forward to take steps and, what is more, to activate the plans rather than mere strategy. If the plans of ‘sustainable growth’ are to be activated in case of the political theory playing an indispensable part in shaping the study and practice of politics and international relations, the foremost step for every nation will be to work hand in hand. One nation is interdependent on the other. It is like a chain rather than a pyramid. If one nation is neglected, the entire bond will collapse. Therefore, it will be intelligent and wise to work together for betterment of the globe.

The Tragedy of Liberty

People call me a kite. I take great pleasure to fly high up in the sky. It is indeed gratifying to state that I emblematise liberty, yes, ge...