Showing posts with label pen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pen. Show all posts

Friday, October 27, 2023

Strong Words from a Pen

People call me a writing instrument, but I call myself a living power. As and when I get utilised by the poets, the novelists, the essayists, and so on and so forth, my heart leaps up in utmost satisfaction, happiness and self-dignity. It feels really gratifying to think that I am the reason of the act of expressing the inevitable truths of human life. The education system in this entire world depends on me a lot. I am associated in giving birth to thousands of brainchildren. That is to say, I pride myself on this notion of creation. Still, how can I overlook the cons or the injustice in this society, in which I am used as well? In spite of all such positive aspects, I must admit, I must say that I don’t want to be, though I have to be used by the Judge in a court. Indeed, I never ever do desire, I never ever do even think in any of my wildest dreams and my nightmares that the Judge will use me in giving capital punishment to the convict. Moreover, such acts happen frequently. I cannot stay sane; I lose my mind thinking of the ill effects derived from me. My only question is—“Is a convict a born criminal or a product of the society, who is sentenced to death?”

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