Friday, October 27, 2023

India’s Successful Moon Mission (Chandrayaan-3)


There was a time when the moon used to be an elusive dream to all of us. Gradually, with the advancement of science and technology, it has become easy indeed to reach the lunar surface. Likewise, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) developed a number of missions to explore the moon. Broadly speaking, Chandrayaan-3 is the third mission in the series of the Chandrayaan programme. The mission of Chandrayaan-3 was launched on 14 July 2023. It comprises Vikram, a lunar lander, and Pragyan, a lunar rover. Sometimes, it is said that Chandrayaan-2 in 2019 paved the way of Chandrayaan-3. As per the latest update, a couple of months and nine days have elapsed till date. Its launch mass weighs 3900 kg. The landing site of the spacecraft is named Shiv Shakti Point. It is very positive and interesting to note that, in the mission of Chandrayaan-3, the female scientists play a very significant role. Apart from that, 23 August has been declared to be celebrated as the National Space Day to commemorate the fruitful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon. At last, it must be mentioned that such an achievement glorifies our country and brightens her name in the annals of global success.

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India’s Mission to the Sun (Aditya-L1)


Who knew that, with the continuous progress in science and technology, one day, the human beings would be able to observe the sun, the big ball of fire? That nothing can be impossible has already been proved. Broadly speaking, India’s trip to the land of the sun is truly unforgettable. Aditya-L1 is a coronagraphy spacecraft. With the purpose of studying the solar atmosphere, this first Indian mission was designed as well as developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and a few other Indian research institutions as well. The duration of the mission is supposedly 5.2 years, as planned by the operators. However, on the basis of the information updated till today, a few days have elapsed. Its launch mass weighs 1,475 kg while the payload mass weighs 244 kg. It was the second of September in 2023 when the mission was launched. This project has been directed by Nigar Shaji. Ten days after the fruitful landing of Chandrayaan-3, the latest moon mission by the ISRO, Aditya-L1 adds another feather to the cap of India. It is such a mission that glorifies the name of our country to the utmost.

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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Our Family


It sounds really amazing while talking about our families, doesn’t it? Hence, we do feel nostalgic as well as reflective in such cases. Well, still, we are not supposed to think only of the “domestic walls” that sometimes try to narrow and barricade the ecstasy.

Such thoughts lift our mood up time and again. We become full of energy, full of enthusiasm and full of spontaneous life force. It feels exciting to take a glance, it sounds mellifluous to walk down the memory lane to listen to the bygone melodious moments.

Wait! Don’t get too serious, please! Let us all keep in mind that ‘family’ is not synonymous to ‘memory’ all along the way. All of us are so excited about speaking of our families that sometimes we overlook the fact that the periphery of ‘family’ is extended far and wide.

Everything relies upon how we look at the world, how we treat people, how we love trees, animals, birds and each particle of this cosmos. Remember, we are not confined to the four walls; let’s spread our wings, because the world—both inside and outside—is waiting for you, waiting for me, yes, waiting for each and every member of the universal family.

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Friday, May 5, 2023

Global Warming


The expression ‘global warming’ is indeed a widely acclaimed and an excessively discussed—somewhat clichéd—topic nowadays. Even though it is a matter of grave concern, the same is, at the same time, being made just a matter of discussion, time and again, but not a matter of prevention because of our lack of executing and activating all our preventive plans regarding this notion.

Global warming is an ill effect of the increasing pollution and, what is more, of our negligence to protect our environment. Do we abide by the rules properly? Well, come on! It is not a matter for us to abide by the dry rules only; instead, we ourselves must arouse our awareness from our within so that we can take proper steps to protect the earth, utilising our own conscience and our own discretion.

However, the expression ‘global warming’ refers to the gradual increase of the heat on the surface of the earth. The continuous heat gets stored more and more. In addition to that, the planet absorbs heat anew each and every day. The ground on the earth, thus, becomes intolerable and blazing like an all-swallowing monster.

Well, there must be some reasons behind such an ill effect. The continuous emission of poisonous gases, like carbon dioxide, methane, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and so on and so forth, adds a lot of curses to the earth by having been one of the major reasons of global warming. The Greenhouse Gases, like CFC, methane and others, turn the situation even worse.

Who knew that such practices would be one of the most vital causes to oust us in some way or the other? Yes, it is we who have dug our own graves. The level of the marine water is getting higher and higher relentlessly. The variety of animals and birds is waning away. Many of them have become even extinct. The earth is turning into a ball of fire day by day. Well, all will revert to us at the end of the day.

The heat will not spare us at all. We cannot undo these, after all. However, we can stop our ill deeds; we can hold ourselves back from redoing these. The sooner we learn to love our earth in the proper way and act accordingly, the safer, or should we say, the less unsafe will we be in the long run.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Book Fair


A Few Words on 'Book Fair'


We all are well acquainted with the compound word ‘book fair’. There are numerous and various books in a book fair. Lots of publishers, lots of authors and lots of readers get a chance to meet one another in such an occasion.

If you are a voracious or an avid reader, you are supposed to grab an amazing opportunity there. Surely, it will provide you with an attractive as well as a progressive experience. Believe it or not, the more you turn over the pages, the more enthusiasm will you gain to read more and more. Well, broadly speaking, ‘the more you read, the more you learn’.

Yes, we all are given chances to grow and develop our taste of mind. However, there are books of several and various genres. Sometimes, we require listening to our parents’ advice even more than usual.

Nevertheless, we cannot deny that a visit to a book fair enlarges our spectrum of learning. Apart from that, we can listen to the mellifluous melody of the artists in this fair. Yes, we are not confined to the pages of books alone. In course of time, life presents us various opportunities of lifetime that we should never miss. Who can say that you will not be the next great personality?

Sunday, November 13, 2022


Who doesn’t dream? Who doesn’t desire to fructify the dreams? Who doesn’t dream to live all the dreams?

Most of us say that there is always a tussle between dreams and reality, don’t we? Now the question is: “How can we realise something or how can we turn something real, unless and until we dare to dream?” Therefore, what does this ‘something’ imply? Let us all give it a thought.

Surely, it is up to us altogether what we are going to do, but can we live without a single drop of water though there is plenty of food? Some of us, including me, are gourmets indeed. Well, that has nothing to do with living the life without water.

It is quite evident to every one of us that a meal, irrespective of its kind, is incomplete without a tumbler full of water. Thus, in spite of our daily chores, no matter how tough they are, no matter how rigorous they are, no matter how time-consuming they are, we all need to dream that keeps us alive, that keeps us moving, that keeps us fresh and energetic.

Most of us might say, “What’s the use? If it can never be fulfilled, why should I waste my time to dream?” The point is that we need not devote any time to dream. Why? It is so because it is always there in our within. In other words, it is our life force. We may deny it, but the fact is that we live because we dream and vice versa. We are not robots, right? And it is a dream that keeps us human.

Monday, August 15, 2022

The True Meaning of Freedom


It is a glorious day today. Broadly speaking, it is the 75th Independence Day of India. Well, frankly speaking, it feels amazing to be a part of the flag hoisting ceremony. But there are a few questions lurking from deep within: How much do we love our country? How much independent are we from our heart? How much do we really honour those independent souls who paved the way of our Independence?

Yes, there are a great number of questions apart from the above-mentioned ones. Can we answer them thoroughly? Don’t we feel that our childhood provides all of us around the globe with the best freedom or independence ever? It is not a matter of outward celebration; it is rather a matter of our inner realisation.

Definitely, we all must let the true meaning of “freedom” dwell in our hearts. We can never become free, unless and until we know how to accept things with our understanding.

Well, it might sound a bit queer; still, we all, each and every human being, should try to analyse ourselves; we must get ourselves rectified from the inside. We should have no partition, no distinction at all. Only then, I suppose, shall each and every one, no matter where, who and how we are, become a part of the true meaning of freedom.

The Tragedy of Liberty

People call me a kite. I take great pleasure to fly high up in the sky. It is indeed gratifying to state that I emblematise liberty, yes, ge...